People from Serbia on Google+
* approximated - see methodology
Demographics breakdown of the Google+ users
Relationship Status
The majority of users in Serbia, 32.87%, are Single followed by 29.47% which are Married.
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Unlock Your report* Percentages based on profiles that have made their relationship data public.
Looking for...
The majority of users in Serbia, 42.68%, are looking for Friends followed by 30.97% which are looking for Networking.
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Signup Now* Percentages based on profiles that have made their looking for data public.
Gender Distribution
- 25.86% Female
- 73.21% Male
* Percentages based on profiles that have made their gender data public.
Age Breakdown
The majority of users in Serbia, 54.5%, fall into the 18-24 age range.
* Percentages based on profiles that have made their alma mater data public. For more info on how alma mater data is used to calculate age range see our methodology.
* Percentages based on profiles that have made their employer data public.
* Percentages based on profiles that have made their occupation data public.
School Alumni
* Percentages based on profiles that have made their alma mater data public.
* Percentages based on profiles that have made their state/region data public.
* Percentages based on profiles that have made their city data public.
World View
Notable Users of Google+ in Serbia
- Mihailo Radičević Jagodina, Serbia Google+ Profile
- Ivan Dimitrijević Niš Google+ Profile
- Erjon Halili Ferizaj, Kosove Google+ Profile
- Marko Rosic Belgrade Google+ Profile
- Marko Shiva Pavlovic Belgrade Google+ Profile
- Dafina Zeqiri Kosovo Google+ Profile
- Brankica Underwood Belgrade, Serbia Google+ Profile
- Stefan Kostić Loznica, Serbia Google+ Profile
- milica stojcic smederevo Google+ Profile
Other Social Media Activity
Not only have we broken down for you other Social Media Outlets that Google+'ers are using heavily but we are also showing you the most notable users.
Facebook is the world's largest social network, with over 800 million users
- Ivan Dimitrijević Niš Google+ Profile Facebook Profile
- Erjon Halili Ferizaj, Kosove Google+ Profile Facebook Profile
- Marko Rosic Belgrade Google+ Profile Facebook Profile
- Marko Shiva Pavlovic Belgrade Google+ Profile Facebook Profile
- Brankica Underwood Belgrade, Serbia Google+ Profile Facebook Profile
- Stefan Kostić Loznica, Serbia Google+ Profile Facebook Profile
* Percentages based on profiles that have listed at least one social network on their public profile.
Twitter, founded in 2006 is a social networking and micro-blogging site that enables its users to send and read text-based posts of up to 140 characters.
- Mihailo Radičević Jagodina, Serbia Google+ Profile Twitter Profile
- Ivan Dimitrijević Niš Google+ Profile Twitter Profile
- Erjon Halili Ferizaj, Kosove Google+ Profile Twitter Profile
- Marko Rosic Belgrade Google+ Profile Twitter Profile
- Marko Shiva Pavlovic Belgrade Google+ Profile Twitter Profile
- Brankica Underwood Belgrade, Serbia Google+ Profile Twitter Profile
* Percentages based on profiles that have listed at least one social network on their public profile.
YouTube allows people to easily upload and share video clips across the Internet through websites, mobile devices, blogs, and email.
- Mihailo Radičević Jagodina, Serbia Google+ Profile YouTube Profile
- Ivan Dimitrijević Niš Google+ Profile YouTube Profile
- Marko Shiva Pavlovic Belgrade Google+ Profile YouTube Profile
- Zoran Stanković Bor, Srbija Google+ Profile YouTube Profile
- Milica Chotra Belgrade Google+ Profile YouTube Profile
- Zoran Novakovic Novi Sad Google+ Profile YouTube Profile
* Percentages based on profiles that have listed at least one social network on their public profile.
Google Reader
Google Reader is an RSS aggregator released from Google Labs in late 2005. The service is capable of reading Atom and RSS feeds online or offline. The service was in beta until September 17, 2007.
- Marko Shiva Pavlovic Belgrade Google+ Profile Google Reader Profile
- Zoran Stanković Bor, Srbija Google+ Profile Google Reader Profile
- Aleksandar Arsenovic Serbia Google+ Profile Google Reader Profile
- Milos Rancic Belgrade, Serbia Google+ Profile Google Reader Profile
- Milovanovic Bojan Stubica, Serbia Google+ Profile Google Reader Profile
- Miloš Tonić Nis, Serbia Google+ Profile Google Reader Profile
* Percentages based on profiles that have listed at least one social network on their public profile.
LinkedIn is a fast-growing professional networking site that allows members to create business contacts, search for jobs, and find potential clients
- Ivan Dimitrijević Niš Google+ Profile LinkedIn Profile
- Marko Rosic Belgrade Google+ Profile LinkedIn Profile
- Brankica Underwood Belgrade, Serbia Google+ Profile LinkedIn Profile
- Zoran Novakovic Novi Sad Google+ Profile LinkedIn Profile
- Dusan Jelic Belgrade Google+ Profile LinkedIn Profile
- Milos Rancic Belgrade, Serbia Google+ Profile LinkedIn Profile
* Percentages based on profiles that have listed at least one social network on their public profile.
Flickr, which began as a photo-sharing feature of their gaming project, has since then blossomed into one of the premiere photo-sharing sites on the web
- Mihailo Radičević Jagodina, Serbia Google+ Profile Flickr Profile
- Ivan Dimitrijević Niš Google+ Profile Flickr Profile
- Erjon Halili Ferizaj, Kosove Google+ Profile Flickr Profile
- Marko Rosic Belgrade Google+ Profile Flickr Profile
- Marko Shiva Pavlovic Belgrade Google+ Profile Flickr Profile
- Nebojsa Radovic Belgrade Google+ Profile Flickr Profile
* Percentages based on profiles that have listed at least one social network on their public profile.
Windows Live
Windows Live is the collective brand name for a set of services and software products from Microsoft.
- Milovanovic Bojan Stubica, Serbia Google+ Profile Windows Live Profile
- Alesandro Simić Belgrade, Serbia Google+ Profile Windows Live Profile
- Saša Stojanović Požarevac, Serbia Google+ Profile Windows Live Profile
- Arianit Kukaj Kosova, Drenas Google+ Profile Windows Live Profile
- Aleksandar Popovic Mozgovo Google+ Profile Windows Live Profile
- Saša Stefanović Subotica, Serbia Google+ Profile Windows Live Profile
* Percentages based on profiles that have listed at least one social network on their public profile.
Orkut is a social networking website that is owned and operated by Google Inc. The service is designed to help users meet new and old friends and maintain existing relationships.
- Aleksandar Ilic Beograd Google+ Profile Orkut Profile
- Saša Stefanović Subotica, Serbia Google+ Profile Orkut Profile
- Aleksandar Bijelic Belgrade, Serbia Google+ Profile Orkut Profile
- Filip Maljkovic Pančevo Google+ Profile Orkut Profile
- Drilon Potera Prishtina, Kosovo Google+ Profile Orkut Profile
- Olga Ciki Svircevic Serbia Pancevo Google+ Profile Orkut Profile
* Percentages based on profiles that have listed at least one social network on their public profile.
Free weblog publishing tool from Google, for sharing text, photos and video.
- Zoran Novakovic Novi Sad Google+ Profile Blogger Profile
- Милан Милошевић Смедеревска Паланка Google+ Profile Blogger Profile
- Sasa Dimic Belgrade Google+ Profile Blogger Profile
- Ratko Bozovic Belgrade Google+ Profile Blogger Profile
- Besno Pile beograd Google+ Profile Blogger Profile
- Vedat Hyseni Kosovo Google+ Profile Blogger Profile
* Percentages based on profiles that have listed at least one social network on their public profile.
Myspace is the leading social entertainment destination powered by the passion of fans. Music, movies, celebs, TV, and games made social.
- Ivan Dimitrijević Niš Google+ Profile Myspace Profile
- Stefan Kostić Loznica, Serbia Google+ Profile Myspace Profile
- Nebojsa Radovic Belgrade Google+ Profile Myspace Profile
- Zoran Novakovic Novi Sad Google+ Profile Myspace Profile
- Milovanovic Bojan Stubica, Serbia Google+ Profile Myspace Profile
- Branko Djurkovic Belgrade, Serbia Google+ Profile Myspace Profile
* Percentages based on profiles that have listed at least one social network on their public profile.
The world's largest online music catalogue, powered by your scrobbles. Free internet radio, videos, photos, stats, charts, biographies and concerts
- Marko Shiva Pavlovic Belgrade Google+ Profile Profile
- Nebojsa Radovic Belgrade Google+ Profile Profile
- Milica Chotra Belgrade Google+ Profile Profile
- Milovanovic Bojan Stubica, Serbia Google+ Profile Profile
- Iva Tanacković Belgrade Google+ Profile Profile
- Alesandro Simić Belgrade, Serbia Google+ Profile Profile
* Percentages based on profiles that have listed at least one social network on their public profile.
Quora is a continually improving collection of questions and answers created, edited, and organized by everyone who uses it.
- Marko Rosic Belgrade Google+ Profile Quora Profile
- Marko Shiva Pavlovic Belgrade Google+ Profile Quora Profile
- Nebojsa Radovic Belgrade Google+ Profile Quora Profile
- Danica Radisic Belgrade Google+ Profile Quora Profile
- Gent Thaçi Prishtina, Kosovo Google+ Profile Quora Profile
- Filip Salindrija Belgrade, Serbia Google+ Profile Quora Profile
* Percentages based on profiles that have listed at least one social network on their public profile. lets you quickly build simple and visually elegant splash pages that points visitors to your content from around the web.
- Marko Shiva Pavlovic Belgrade Google+ Profile Profile
- Miloš Jeremić Niš Google+ Profile Profile
- nenad zorić zorzi Beograd Google+ Profile Profile
- Aleksandar Diklic Novi Sad, Serbia Google+ Profile Profile
- Maja Jovanović Belgrade Google+ Profile Profile
- Sandra Jakovljevic Kragujevac Google+ Profile Profile
* Percentages based on profiles that have listed at least one social network on their public profile.
Delicious is a social bookmarking website - the primary use of Delicious is to store your bookmarks online, which allows you to access the same bookmarks from any computer and add bookmarks from anywhere, too.
- Goran Aničić Novi Sad Google+ Profile Delicious Profile
- Dragana Djermanovic Novi Sad Google+ Profile Delicious Profile
- ДСС Смедеревска Паланка Смедеревска Паланка Google+ Profile Delicious Profile
- Sandra Jakovljevic Kragujevac Google+ Profile Delicious Profile
- Nikola Milikic Belgrade, Serbia Google+ Profile Delicious Profile
- Dragan Eror Novi Sad, Serbia Google+ Profile Delicious Profile
* Percentages based on profiles that have listed at least one social network on their public profile.
FriendFeed is a service that makes it easy to share with friends online. FriendFeed aims to be a one stop shop for all your social networking updates and news items.
- Davut Şala Prizren Google+ Profile FriendFeed Profile
- Dragan Varagic Novi Sad, Serbia Google+ Profile FriendFeed Profile
- Ratko Bozovic Belgrade Google+ Profile FriendFeed Profile
- Ivica Panic Becej, Serbia Google+ Profile FriendFeed Profile
- Saša Stefanović Subotica, Serbia Google+ Profile FriendFeed Profile
- Srećko Šekeljić Belgrade, Serbia Google+ Profile FriendFeed Profile
* Percentages based on profiles that have listed at least one social network on their public profile.
Vimeo is a cleanly-designed video sharing website that allows people to publish their videos for public consumption or just for friends and family.
- Милан Милошевић Смедеревска Паланка Google+ Profile Vimeo Profile
- Alesandro Simić Belgrade, Serbia Google+ Profile Vimeo Profile
- MARKO NOVAKOVIC Beograd Google+ Profile Vimeo Profile
- Ratko Bozovic Belgrade Google+ Profile Vimeo Profile
- Bratislav Vidanovic Pirot Google+ Profile Vimeo Profile
- Mladen Ivanković Subotica, Serbia Google+ Profile Vimeo Profile
* Percentages based on profiles that have listed at least one social network on their public profile.
SoundCloud is the world's leading social sound platform where anyone can create sounds and share them everywhere.
- Filip Salindrija Belgrade, Serbia Google+ Profile SoundCloud Profile
- MARKO NOVAKOVIC Beograd Google+ Profile SoundCloud Profile
- Miljan Jovanović Nis Google+ Profile SoundCloud Profile
- Mladen Ivanković Subotica, Serbia Google+ Profile SoundCloud Profile
- Aleksandar Diklic Novi Sad, Serbia Google+ Profile SoundCloud Profile
- Velimir Pikaso Kondic Novi Sad Google+ Profile SoundCloud Profile
* Percentages based on profiles that have listed at least one social network on their public profile.
Foursquare is a geographical location based social network. Members note their locations with a mobile phone and can find out where friends are.
- Filip Salindrija Belgrade, Serbia Google+ Profile Foursquare Profile
- Milan miff Djordjevic Nis Google+ Profile Foursquare Profile
- Ivan Muljevski Nis Google+ Profile Foursquare Profile
- Marija Aleksic Belgrade Google+ Profile Foursquare Profile
- Maja Jovanović Belgrade Google+ Profile Foursquare Profile
- Srećko Šekeljić Belgrade, Serbia Google+ Profile Foursquare Profile
* Percentages based on profiles that have listed at least one social network on their public profile.
Digg is a user driven social content website.
- Saša Stefanović Subotica, Serbia Google+ Profile Digg Profile
- Sandra Jakovljevic Kragujevac Google+ Profile Digg Profile
- Radomir Savic Bajina Basta Google+ Profile Digg Profile
- Dragan Eror Novi Sad, Serbia Google+ Profile Digg Profile
- Mario Tomić Belgrade, Serbia Google+ Profile Digg Profile
- Miloš Milovanović Niš Google+ Profile Digg Profile
* Percentages based on profiles that have listed at least one social network on their public profile.
Formspring helps people find out more about each other by sharing interesting & personal responses.
- Šarena Laža Loznica Google+ Profile Formspring Profile
- Maya Dementhia Belgrade Google+ Profile Formspring Profile
- Mihajlo Karlicic Sjenica Google+ Profile Formspring Profile
- Nikola Jović Niš, Serbia Google+ Profile Formspring Profile
* Percentages based on profiles that have listed at least one social network on their public profile.
Major internet portal and brand with search, content verticals, and other web services.
- Никола Томић Serbia Google+ Profile Yahoo! Profile
- Zoran Novakovic Novi Sad Google+ Profile Yahoo! Profile
- Aleksandar Dezelin Belgrade, Serbia Google+ Profile Yahoo! Profile
- Milos Rancic Belgrade, Serbia Google+ Profile Yahoo! Profile
- Milovanovic Bojan Stubica, Serbia Google+ Profile Yahoo! Profile
- Alesandro Simić Belgrade, Serbia Google+ Profile Yahoo! Profile
* Percentages based on profiles that have listed at least one social network on their public profile.
GitHub is a social network for programmers.
- Nevena Vidojević Belgrade, Serbia Google+ Profile GitHub Profile
- Erkhembayar Gantulga UB Google+ Profile GitHub Profile
- Nemanja Miljković Belgrade Google+ Profile GitHub Profile
- Marin Markic Belgrade Google+ Profile GitHub Profile
* Percentages based on profiles that have listed at least one social network on their public profile.
Plurk offers users a way to chronicle and share the things they do, the way they feel, and all the other things.
- ДСС Смедеревска Паланка Смедеревска Паланка Google+ Profile Plurk Profile
* Percentages based on profiles that have listed at least one social network on their public profile.
Flavors allows you to create a gorgeous website in minutes, bringing together social media updates, photos, videos and more into a unified web presence.
- Mina Lukin Drenovak Belgrade, Serbia Google+ Profile Flavors Profile
- Lazar Veljanovic Beograd Google+ Profile Flavors Profile
* Percentages based on profiles that have listed at least one social network on their public profile.